4 comments on “The Curse of 11th Grade English

  1. Funny post. I agree not everything is intentional, but symbolism is used far more than we think it is. You may want to use this site to even post some of your newspaper pieces. If you get a chance, change the “About” section to make it yours.

  2. Haha, yeah, I dunno why all English teachers teach that way, but I remember reading “The Great Gatsby” and how the colors yellow and green held some sort of symbolic meaning (don’t really remember anything about it now). I never really bought into it, and every time me and my friend would talk about Mrs. Jespersen, we would impersonate her by saying, “Well you see Johnny, that chair he’s sitting on, represents the economy… and those three teacups on the counter represent the trinity.”

    I think sometimes we can over-analyze stories to the point that we lose sight of what the author is truly trying to say, but you’re right, many authors write very intentionally and things like the colors do hold significance.

    • Haha, I like the impersonation. It is definitely exaggerated, but not by much. I wish we could bring authors back from the grave and ask them what they really meant in their stories. I think poetry analysis might be a bit different.

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