26 comments on “Writing Is…

  1. Very well expressed. Clear and honest with an innocent, unadulterated passion slipping through the words. =)


  2. As a writer, I thank you for finding such a poetic way to describe that which I have as of yet found to be beyond description, beyond the very words I court to express the universes that writing opens to me… keep it coming and enjoy…

  3. Beautifully written.

    I have just recently decided to take my writing seriously, and this piece reinforces my decision because it feels so right! Thank you.

  4. I once described writing and writers as it is some times a way to work it all out.

    To put into words the problem and how to find the answer to the problem.

    I have thought of writing about one story I wrote and the gift or in this case the curse of a trait I seem to have. Empathy. Not just sympathy but actually seeming to be within the person of the story.

  5. Writing is as with any other form of art, painting is close to it.
    You are painting a picture for someone else.

    The words are your paint.

    The sentence is your bush.

    And the reader’s mind is your canvas.

  6. Great summary of the power of writing. I hope you don’t mind, I linked to this from my own blog as I was just musing on the importance of writing in my life and I like your way of expressing it.

  7. I love what you just wrote! That was amazing and so very true! I am looking to connect with some writers and learn and develope my writing and hopefully help others in the process. I can completely relate to what you are saying about finding santuary through writing. In my house, i have one room. Its a closet, a ritual room, and small office! Despite all the many functions this room provides me with, it’s the most relaxing and creative room in my house. Do you have a place like that?

    • I wish I had someplace like that. I think the sanctuary isn’t a physical place for me, it is a state of mind. I’m sure you’ve experienced the feeling of writing something–a poem, a chapter, or an essay–and then you lose track of time and everything just flows. That is where I find the sanctuary. It is the same with reading. It takes a little bit to get into the mode, but once I’m there…everything happens and I am completely immersed in what I am writing or in what I am reading.

  8. That was one of the most amazing blog posts I have ever read. You totally caught the essence of writing. I just started a blog all about writing. I hope one day you will visit it and give me feedback.


    P.S. Can I quote you on that last line? I think I could use that somewhere.

    http://writeos.wordpress.com (My Writing Blog)

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